Journal of IKA PGSD published for the first time in December 2012, then it was registered with number of Printed ISSN (P-ISSN) 2338-3860. Journal IKA PGSD accepts scientific articles from research and literature studies written by the Academic Society of UNARS and outside of UNARS. The Journal accepts manuscripts online (online submission) and in person (offline). The Journal accept article in Bahasa Indonesia and English. Published twice a year, June and December. The Journal scope are research article, un-published scientific thesis or literature studies relating to education and teaching in general, such as Primary School Education, Early Childhood Education, Education Management, Classroom Management, Teacher Professionalism, Outside School Education, IT-based Teaching, E-Learning, Learning, Media Utilization and so on.


P-ISSN 2338-3860

E-ISSN 2656-4459

Published: 2020-06-30