Animal husbandry in Indonesia is currently developing by utilising local genetics. Based on Government Regulation No. 68 of 2002, National Resilience is emphasised on self-reliance in food supply by utilising the potential of local resources. One of the native chickens developed is the KUB chicken. The advantages of KUB chickens are large egg production and rapid growth, low mortality rate, adaptation to a fast environment, more efficient feeding, more resistant to disease compared to other native chickens. The Industrial Work Practice activities were carried out for approximately one month from July to August 2024. The Industrial Practice activities were carried out at the Flores Bajawa College of Agriculture. The handling of KUB/ULU chicken DOC is quite different compared to the handling of native chickens, this can be seen in terms of feed, where the level of feed consumption required by KUB chickens is quite a lot besides the need for protein contained in the feed is also quite high, namely from 20-22% protein. The high need for protein aims to increase the strength of the shell and for the growth process of meat and feathers. In addition, in terms of DOC health, it is quite adequate, this is indicated by the routine administration of vaccines, medicines, vitamins and decomposers.
Keywords: Handling, Day Old Chicken (DOC), health
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