Peran Minat Beli Dalam Memoderasi Pengaruh FlashSale, Gratis Ongkir dan Live Streaming Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Pada Produk Fashion Di E-Commerce Tiktok Shop
The development of technology and information in Indonesia is very rapid. Currently marketing also continues to grow and develop, moving from conventional marketing concepts to modern marketing concepts. One technological development is the TikTok shop e-commerce platform, this platform allows sellers to sell their products. The aim of this research is to analyze and test the role of purchasing interest in moderating the influence of flash sales, free shipping and live streaming on decisions to purchase fashion products at the e-commerce TikTok Shop. The population in this study were students at the Faculty of Economics and Business, Abdurachman Saleh University, Situbondo. The sampling technique in this research is probability sampling technique.The data analysis and hypothesis testing in this research used the Partial Least Square Structural Equation Model (PLS-SEM). The results of the direct influence hypothesis test using the Smart PLS 3.0 application, show that Flash sales have a significant influence on purchasing decisions, Free shipping has a significant influence on purchasing decisions, Live streaming has no significant influence on purchasing decisions, Purchase interest is not able to moderate the influence of Flash sales on purchasing decisions.